My Ecuador Higher Education/K-12 Leadership Study Abroad Trip: Thursday June 2nd, 2016

We all woke up early the next day to report to breakfast at our bed/breakfast locale. Here is a picture of the breakfast table.

Our Breakfast Table

Our Breakfast Table

We got to eat all types of fresh native fruits and juices. They was delicious. Farmers in Ecuador do not use pesticides. Personally, I found that the fruits were juicier and sweeter than the same fruits available in the US. I had been warned not to eat any fruits there before I left unless I could peel them or risk getting digestive problems. Nevertheless, I did eat a pear and an apple and did not have not have any digestive problems at all.

We spent the rest of the morning until noon, presenting to each other for the purpose of getting to know each other using a Pecha Kucha style of presentation. You can learn more about this type of presentation on this webpage: . There is a great YOUTUBE tutorial on how to create this type of presentation using PowerPoint on this page. If the video does not show below this paragraph, just refresh this webpage.

After the presentations, we all went to a local restaurant for lunch, which was located in the colonial style area of Quito. Here we are at the restaurant and this is what I ordered. It was a coconut shrimp dinner with rice, plantains and native Ecuadorian fruit.


We decided to spend the rest of the evening until 5:00 pm exploring the many Cathedrals  located in this area. Here is a picture of one of the amazing cathedrals that we visited. The name of the place is, “Iglesia de la Compañía de Quito”. Here is a picture of the outside of the church. Nevertheless, visitors are not allowed to take pictures inside this church.

Iglesia de la Compañía

Additionally, we also visited Quito’s Presidential Palace known as, “Carondelet Palace”. Here is a picture of part of the outside of the palace and  another picture of me posing next to one of the live guards outside the palace.


Finally, we returned to Bed/Breakfast location, where we were also having dinner. As part of the dinner, a local attorney name Leonardo Sempertegui  who represents the main accreditation agency in Quito came to speak to us about the Current Issues and Laws regarding how colleges/universities in Ecuador earn accreditation status. This session lasted until 8:30 pm.

Here is a picture of my study abroad group posing with attorney Leonardo Sempertegui .
