My New Graduation Dress

My New Graduation Dress
May. 10th, 2006

Hi Readers

I went shopping today and found a really nice black dress to wear on Friday. It fits perfect and was the only one at TJ MAX in that style and size. I guess it was just there waiting for me to get to the store to buy it. It was a $100.00 dress marked down to $30.00 so I think I got a good deal.

Tomorrow, my son’s school is having a special dinner for all parents and family of HS seniors. They raise money to do this every year. My whole family will attend. My mother in law and my husband’s aunt (my mother in law’s  sister) are flying in tomorrow from St. Louis to also attend the dinner and graduation. Unfortunately, my mom lives in Cleveland, Ohio and cannot attend.

I am getting so excited, anxious, sad and happy at the same time. I do not know whether I can sleep tonight. Lucky for me, I am done with my students final exams at work and already turned in grades. My new students for the summer do not report until Monday. Also, tomorrow, I only have to attend a two hour meeting at work and I am off for the rest of the day and I am off all day on Friday. At least my work schedule matches perfectly with my family activities this time, so I guess I have one less thing to worry about.

Please continue to keep me in your thoughts and send good vibes my way. Hope everyone has a great night.

My Son Graduates on Friday

My Son Graduates on Friday
May. 7th, 2006

My first baby graduates from HS on Friday. I feel so happy and sad at the same time. What can I say, I have been trying to stop time since the school year began and I still have not figured this out.

I am just not ready and I want my first baby back. I can hardly believe the time is almost here. Please keep me in your thoughts this Friday as I will be an emotional wreck. In the meantime, if anyone know the secret to stopping time, I am desperate to find out. 🙂