My Search for Student Blog Evaluation Rubrics

I currently have one of my freshman level classes blogging and doing other web2.0 type activities to earn 40% of their class grades. I have thought about how I should grade the blogs and decided to ask my Twitter Personal Learning Network (PLN) for help.

Received a response from Professor Wendy Drexler whom is teaching a graduate level class and she shared her rubric blog checklist with me. I thought it was pretty good but it did not fit my needs as her class was blogging to earn their participation grade. I then decided to do a little research to see what I could find.

I found several great rubrics which were freely shared and after sharing them with Professor Wendy Drexler, I decided to blog and share them with others.

Here were my findings:

From Professor Barbara Nixon’s blog here whom I follow on Twitter:

Professor Barbara Nixon demonstrates how she uses Google Forms to allow her students to self evaluate their own blogs before she grades them. Great idea, I will be revising this for my own class.

She also provides a link to the actual rubric that she will use to grade her student’s blog. Again, another awesome idea which I will adopt.

Here is a blog rubric from another professor who teaches, “Using Tech in Education” at a University.

Also found another blog rubric used in an Education class at the Univ of Regina. I later found out that I do follow Professor Alec Courosa who created this rubric, on Twitter.

Here is another provided by a Tech ed consultant, Tony Vincent for free on his site here

Lastly, I found another freely shared rubric from
this site which is a higher education rubric creation site.

I plan to revise one of these to use with my class. As you can already see, most of these resources came from the wonderful colleagues that I follow on Twitter. I cannot say this enough, I have learned so much from my PLN and the members just rock!! Hope this collection helps someone find the perfect rubric for grading their student’s blogs.

My Tweet and Picture were Shown on a Canadian TV News Story

My Twitter friend, Alec Courosa was recently interviewed by a reporter from a Canadian TV news show concerning Twitter. He then posted a copy of the video shown on TV, on a few of his social networks sites.

I watched the video and  thought he did a great job.  However, I was especially excited when I saw that my Tweet and picture were shown. I was also thrilled when he mentioned that he recently attended a conference where he met a lot of his Twitter contacts face to face for the first time and that he got many hugs. This is because I was also at the same conference and was one of the people that hugged him.

Here is the video from the CBC TV channel:

On that note, be careful what you Tweet because you never know where it may show up. 🙂